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Stress Reliever #2: Live in the Present Moment

5 Ways to Make Time Your Friend (Jesus's Way)

“Living in the present moment” is easier said than done. But it’s wonderfully stress-relieving. Jesus taught, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34, NIV). I love…

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A Guest Testimony: From Ignorance to Faith

Woman in prayer

Here's a wonderful story from my Christian blogging friend, Patricia, describing how she learned and grew in her faith over the years. You can visit Patricia's Facebook page at All About Love and her blog. About Patricia A. Go I was…

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Audiobook Comes Closer to Reality

Scroll down to access two full-chapter audio samples of Jesus Christ, His Life and Mine. Why Audio? The more I mingle with people who are interested in learning about Jesus, the more I hear that many people don't like to…

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What Does Spiritual Light Look Like?

19 Signs that You Have (or Don't Have) Spiritual Light in Your Life

Our physical eyes cannot see spiritual light. But our spirits can discern it. (See 1 Corinthians 2:10-14) The honest in heart will seek it. (See John 3:21.) As spiritual beings, we need spiritual light to grow and feel true happiness.…

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