Embracing Joy in the Journey Life is often filled with…
How Can We Turn On the “Light of Christ”?

December 6, 2018
Note: To the play the video, scroll toward the bottom and click on the video image (3:40).
Maybe you remember the Magic Eye images that were super popular some time ago. Many people see “cool stuff” when they carefully look at these images. They say it’s “obvious” and there are hidden things that are “floating in there.”
Others just stare and strain and never see anything.
For example, the image below just looks like artsy, squiggly lines at first, but there’s actually a cool image hidden in it.
This one says, “I *heart shape* You.”
No kidding. I saw it.
Note: They say it’s easier to see on paper than online. You can visit the original post here on BT.com, which includes many more links to others. Also visit MagicEye.com, which is the trademarked site with explanations of why it works.
If I Can’t See It Yet, Does that Mean It’s Not True?
What if you’re among the many people who can never see the 3D images in magic eye images?
Does that mean everyone else is lying? Is it a great conspiracy to make you feel stupid and unhappy?
More likely, there’s something that we’re not quite understanding. After all, how do you explain to someone what to do with their eyes and how to try to see something? Faith is also tricky to explain.
Faith Glasses
What if someone has blurry vision and is told that eyeglasses can clarify his sight? In order to see better, he has to be willing to consider that glasses might help, right? He has to trust others’ experiences at least a little bit and try it himself.
What Do the Scriptures Say About Light?
How do you put on these “faith glasses”?
How do you see beyond the surface of this earth life and find the spiritual beauty that “floats 3D in the air” with hidden, important messages?
Seeing spiritual light is real. It’s important and we need to learn how to do it.
Jesus said,
“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12, NKJV).
How about this one, from the Old Testament?
“Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105, NKJV).
Also check out my previous post with a lot more scriptures and great examples of what spiritual light looks like when it enters your life.
How to Turn on the Light of Christ
There has to be a step one, right?
There is. Click play on the video below and enjoy!
Click here to learn more about Jesus Christ, His Life and Mine, the book that helps readers from any background understand and believe in Jesus Christ, which turns on the switch and starts the flow of the precious living waters.
I testify that the light of Christ is real! It works.
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Have a wonderful, blessed day!
By the way . . . Help Our Prison Ministry
Visit our prison ministry page and donate to help others find the light of Christ and make positive changes in their lives.
See our first donation at Women at the Well, a Christian addiction recovery facility for women.
We are doing great things! Please help by donating a few dollars and help others who need it.

Estimated Reading and Video Viewing Time:
About 5 minutes
[…] All of the enlightened, positive changes listed above come to us when we believe in, trust, and follow the true Light of the world. Learn more about how to believe through this brief video. […]