As a Christian, what could possibly be more important than the life, teachings, and resurrection of Jesus Christ Himself?
Life is increasingly difficult in this complex digital age. It’s dizzingly different than any age in history.
What we need most today is to drink from the life and teachings of Jesus in simple, real world terms, with examples of how to experience His “living water.”
This site can help.
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God is Faithful – A Guest Testimony from Keon Lindsey
“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” (Psalm 34:8) I learned this verse as a boy and it has proven true over forty years. How? Let’s begin with some background.…
From Dust and Despair to Serving God with Joy – A Guest Testimony
A Guest Testimony from Oguta George Brother Oguta contacted me recently upon discovering some of my writings on this website. Our stories touched each other greatly. He was kind enough to share his experiences as a boy and now serving…