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About this Site

Hi! My name is Christian, and I’m a writer and speaker. I’ve traveled a rough road at times, going from full-time rock-n-roll musician to math teacher in a juvenile corrections facility to an award-winning corporate instructional design consultant for companies throughout the United States and Canada. I’ve also been active in ministry for over 30 years, serving multiple congregations in central PA.

This entire site is focused on Christ because he truly is “the light of the world” (John 8:12).

No topic deserves more attention. No topic provides more joy.

What If You Already Believe in Christ?

The more we believe in and learn about Christ, the more we admire him. The more we admire him, the more we desire to follow him, which increases our joy.

Believing in Christ is much more than just checking a box. It’s an everyday joy!

R. Christian Bohlen laughing, blue sky and forestHere are Some Foundational Beliefs for this Site

  • All Christians share a common core of fabulous knowledge; we should lift and love each other.
  • No denominational belief system is advocated on this site.
  • Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth.
  • Jesus died and resurrected. He lives today.
  • The Bible stories of his life literally happened; they are also powerful metaphors for our lives.
  • We should be patient with those who struggle with faith or have questions.
  • Sin is real. Jesus saves us from our sins and lifts us to become more like him.
  • False teachings exist in the world. However, the purpose of this site is not to point out examples of falsehood. Rather, we focus on believing in Jesus, increasing our desire to be like him, and following his example.

How You Can Help

If you already believe in Christ, please contribute comments, offer to guest post, request an interview, or suggest useful topics. Use the Contact page to reach out.

If you’re just learning or even skeptical, good for you! It’s okay. You will feel respected.

Much love, my friend. Your visits and participation mean a great deal.

Learn more about Christian, the author.

Our Most Popular Posts

These three posts are discovered and read daily throughout the world. May you be inspired as well!

How to Follow Jesus Christ (9 Straightforward Ways to Honor Him)

9 Ways to Deepen Your Joy and Relationship with Christ (Metaphors from the Lips of Jesus)

A Surprisingly Liberating Truth: Servant vs. Slave of Christ

How to Set and Enforce Boundaries in Marriage (Jesus’s Way)

What Does Spiritual Light Look Like?

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