Embracing Joy in the Journey Life is often filled with…
Stress Reliever #1: Look at Time Like God Does

January 29, 2019
Thank goodness Jesus gave us guidance to work with time instead of fighting against it.
Why Time Drives Us Crazy
- We want good things to come quicker.
- We want to know the future.
- We want to control what happens in our worlds and when.
Ouch. That’s resisting God and wriggling to get out of our God-given constraints.
Seriously? God-given?
God placed us into this carefully designed “life of time.”
Is Time the Enemy?
Time is not our spiritual enemy. Time is our friend. It is our helper.
Time facilitates spiritual growth—far more than we realize. A “life of time” is God-ordained.
Jesus taught a lot about time. For example, here’s a precious nugget:
“And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest” (Luke 8:15, NLT)
It takes time to change our lives and bear the good fruits of a godly life.
Time is part of His plan for us:
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9, NIV).
Time is indeed a gift, enabling us to turn to God and gradually do more good in the world.
In fact, I’m convinced that the constraints of time are one of God’s most important tools to work His changes in us.
What Jesus Taught and Did
The concept of time must have been important to Jesus because He taught and exemplified at least five great ways to think about and use our time.
Like this one . . .
1: Look at Time Like God Does
Jesus often taught how foolish it is to focus all of our time and energy on the things of this world.
God has a much grander view: this world won’t last, but eternity will.
Remember the “Parable of the Rich Fool”? The rich man tore down his barns and built even bigger ones so that he could kick up his feet and “eat, drink and be merry” the rest of his life. But he suddenly died when God said,
“‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God” (Luke 12:20-21, ESV).
With godly perspective, earth time and earth things take their proper place. We don’t stress over them as much. And we use our time for things that last forever—our souls and other people. We remember that earth time allows God to make us rich in heavenly things—by growing in us a Christlike character.
So What’s Next?
Each of these teachings from the Son of God are so wise that we’ll look at them one at a time in the coming days.
They are WONDERFUL stress relievers. Sneak preview below!

Stay tuned!
- Look at Time Like God Does (That’s this post.)
- Live in the present moment.
- Know that God is preparing your future.
- Work at whatever you are doing with all your heart.
- Prioritize patience (but don’t be impatient about it!).
Much love, my friends!
Learn More
Learn more about the author, the new release of Jesus Christ, His Life and Mine, and our prison ministry.
Better still, get the newly released audiobook, with vivid narration and storytelling of the birth-to-resurrection story of Jesus. Paperback and International Free Shipping available here.

Estimated Reading Time:
1 – 2 minutes
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