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Stress Reliever #2: Live in the Present Moment

5 Ways to Make Time Your Friend (Jesus's Way)
February 18, 2019

“Living in the present moment” is easier said than done. But it’s wonderfully stress-relieving.

Jesus taught,

“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34, NIV).

I love the wisdom of that statement:“Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

What perspective!

How about these wonderfully expressed words from the international bestseller, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young:

“As you anticipate what is ahead of you . . . you are rehearsing your troubles many times, whereas you are meant to go through them only when they actually occur. Do not multiply your suffering in this way!”

(Note: Jesus Calling has many, many wise sayings about living in the present moment and learning to live as we were meant to live—not falling into the insanity of our modern tendencies.)

But How Do We Do It?

First of all, recognize that present-minded living is a skill that all of us once possessed—naturally—and we have to re-discover it.

Did you ever consider that? Children naturally live in the moment. You and I used to be present-minded all the time.

Remember what Jesus taught?

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (See Matthew 18:2-4, NIV.)

Children are uncomplicated and simple in their trust. They experience each moment as a fresh experience.

I think Jesus would be pleased with the recent worldwide focus on the concept of “mindfulness,” which comes to us from eastern philosophies. Great peace of mind and even physical benefits result from living one day and one moment at a time.

Yoga is a fantastic method for reconnecting to this healthier way of being by learning to empty the mind and focus on your present experience.

I have found that my ability to focus on the Lord has increased through my yoga practice. Yoga is not a religion for me; it’s simply a healthy discipline to stop my churning thoughts and experience genuine connectedness to what is present and what is divine.

The Bottom Line

How does living in the present make time our friend? We get back to our God-intended, childlike way of flowing with the “river of time,” experiencing each day as fresh and prepared by God.

We stop trying to escape what’s right in front of us and we LIVE IT.

As we do, we learn more from our hard times and we enjoy the good times—instead of mentally dancing around them.

Instead of feeling bored and “been there, done that,” we view each day as a fresh gift from God:

“This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24, NKJV).

Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

So What’s Next? 

Each of these teachings from the Son of God are so wise that we’ll look at them one at a time.

  1. Look at Time Like God Does. (A previous post)
  2. Live in the present moment. (That’s this post.)
  3. Know that God is preparing your future.
  4. Work at whatever you are doing with all your heart.
  5. There’s a trick to becoming patient (here it is)!

Much love, my friends!



Estimated Reading Time:
1 – 2 minutes

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