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Free Download - How to Get Answers and Guidance from Prayer

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May you feel God draw near as you apply these insights in your life.

Cover image of document titled How to Get Answers and Guidance from PrayerFeedback is always welcome.

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BONUS (optional): Listen to these free, instant audiobook samples from “Jesus Christ, His Life and Mine: The Story of Jesus and How It Applies to Us in the Twitter Era,” narrated by the author.

Click any of the “Play” buttons in the bars below. (Note: You may have to click the “launch in new window” button that appears at the right when you hover over a bar instead of the Play button; this varies.)

Introduction. Why is this book non-denominational? What can I expect to get out of it?

Chapter 1: Before Christ. What was going on at the time Jesus was born? What happened to His parents to prepare them?

Chapter 14: The Fish, the Coin and the King. This is a little-known but fascinating story about the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the miracle He uses to teach Peter a lesson while bailing him out of a sticky situation.

BONUS Chapter 23: What If Believing Is Hard for Me? This chapter is designed for you if you are reluctant to believe in things that you can’t see and you need more evidence before you believe.

About the Author. Learn some surprising things about the author and narrator of this book. Understand why this book is so important what prompted the author to write it.

What readers are saying:

The ebook has a different cover, but same content:


The two reviews below were among the first.

“. . . an amazing summary of Christ’s life. It is not preachy in the least but instead allows the reader to glide through biblical events with ease. . . I loved this book and will read it over and over and share it with family and friends. I teach Bible in a Christian high school and cannot think of a more timely book to present to my students, as a means for them to understand how relevant our Savior’s life is to their generation, and every generation.”

“. . . I am an atheist but have been baptized and gone through confirmation. I learned more in this book then I did in a childhood’s worth of sitting in church. . . His voice is authoritative, educational, and thought-provoking. . . The book is very descriptive, allowing you to truly feel like you are watching the story of Jesus Christ as if it’s a movie.

To see the latest reviews and preview the first few chapters on Amazon, click here.

Learn More

Read more about the author, the book, and our signature cause: Christ on the Inside prison ministry, where we give these books to prison inmates and recovering addicts at no profit whatsoever–just the cost of printing, shipping, and very modest fundraising expenses. For the glory of God and simply to follow Jesus.

Christian overlooking Tionesta dam in PA

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