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How to Love “the One” Like Jesus

Mr Rogers talking to cynical journalist

Spiritual miracles happen in one heart, one life at a time. Nowhere (outside of scripture) have I seen this illustrated more effectively than in the movie, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, which depicts how God can use any of…

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Why Sex Matters to God (5 Reasons)

Bible lofty view of sex

I overheard a statement by a young person recently: "Who cares who I have sex with? Who am I hurting?" I thought to myself, "Yeah, that's a common view today. And it can be hard to explain why casual sex…

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What You Didn’t Know about My AMAZING Wife

What You Don't Know about My Freakin' Awesome Wife T-shirt

Yup. She’s freakin’ awesome. And you won’t find my dead body. Because she won’t kill me. (Read the back of the T-shirt if you haven’t yet.) She bought me that T-shirt. I’m safe. You may think you know my wife,…

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My Story: God Never Gave Up On Me

I've devoted over 20 years to writing a book about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, mostly because of the remarkable and unforgettable way Christ kept pursuing me and not giving up on me. The result was my "conversion,"…

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